Welcome to All in One Bonsa

Bitten by the Bug

Welcome to All in One Bonsai...a blog that aims to remind me of what I have forgotten. Over the years I have been finding out as much as I can about the art of bonsai. I hope the information in this blog will shed some light to the beginning bonsai enthusiast out there.

I saw some bonsai trees at a corner market one night in Taipei and asked the guy if he was willing to teach me how to create these miniature trees. He directed me to a night school where all the instruction was in Chinese. My Chinese ability is very ordinary at the least so although I was learning bits and pieces, I really wasn't getting all I wanted from the course. The best parts were when the teacher would start pruning a beautiful tree or when he showed us how to repot a bonsai. The mystery was still out there but my interest wasn't waning, if anything it fueled my motivation to find out more. And so I did.

Let the adventure begin...

Recently I have discovered the joy of pottery. Bonsai and pottery are close friends so it was only a matter of time before I was introduced to her. Welcome to All in One Bonsai...and pottery.

Feel free to visit my site where you can purchase some of my handmade pottery. Quite a few pieces have been wood fired as it is the prefered method here in Taiwan:

Esty Shop: AllinoneCeramics

Thursday 5 December 2013

Bonsai Bonus

Bonsai by the Road

It was a Saturday afternoon after a healthy sleep in that Annie and I ventured up the mountain for some chicken and tofu.  Two of my favorites.  On the way, out of the corner of my eye, I saw some gigantic bonsai. The first one I saw was growing straight out of the ground!  
This tree looks like it has been planted into the ground in this spot recently.  The bamboo poles are to keep the tree stabilized while the roots re-establish themselves.  

The road was about 10 meters away from this pine tree.

You can see that this tree has been trained to remain smallish for a garden tree.  

I suspect that this tree will be sold to a park or a wealthy person's abode.

Another pine growing not far away from the mother tree.

We walked a short distance around the bend and came upon more large bonsai grown in huge pots.

A close up of the soil.  Nice granular soil that will aide the drainage process.

I think that these trees have been grown in the ground, root pruned and repotted into these large tubs. Again, sticks aide in supporting the stability of the tree during strong winds.  If the roots are damaged, the tree will suffer and die.  The roots must be held in check and feel stable for the tree to survive.  

You could take a bath in this one.

Hello Mr. Semi Cascade.

On the way out to our wheels I saw this lonely pot.  I would say it has a good story to tell.

The view from the road as we drove away.  A great little pit stop in the hills of Taiwan.


  1. "Who's that foreign guy trespassing on my property!"

  2. Sorry - we were looking for the owner but nobody was around. I hope you didn't mind me taking a few of those bad boys back to my roof top garden. It was a hell of a scooter ride down the hill!
